Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Diva Spotlight: Goldilocks

Tell us a little about yourself & your daughter:
I'm Tav and this is my daughter Goldilocks. She is 6 years old. She has a 9 year old brother, a 3 year old brother and a ?? year old Daddy! Here's a family picture of us (nevermind baby brother frowning...

What is your daughter's hair care routine?
We usually wash on Saturday or Sunday night. I use a sulfate free shampoo to wash her scalp and Herbal Essences Hello Hydration conditioner. The amount of conditioner usually depends on what style we're coming out of and how tangly her hair is. But it's normal a pretty generous amount. I'll either leave a little conditioner in her hair or use some mixed chicks leave-in. Then I'll detangle, add some moisturizer, and band her hair for the night. (P.S. I learned about banding from Beads Braids and Beyond!) And she sleeps in a satin bonnet. Those things work wonders!

What kind of products do you use on her hair?
I'm still experimenting in this area. I have by no means found our perfect formula yet. But right now I'm using Olive Oil moisturizing lotion (but it contains petrolatum, I found out a couple of days ago.) I use Cantu Shea Butter for pomade (petrolatum as well) but that actually works really well for us so it's a keeper unless I find something better. And I use Kinky Curly Curling Custard which I think has ok ingredients. There's another product I want to try, a hair oil by Africa's Best I think, but it's out of stock at the store. I'm trying to find good reasonably priced products that I don't have to go online to get. But I will, if it comes down to it and I really can't find anything good in the stores.

Have you ever used chemicals on her hair?
Nope. But I'm not completely innocent, I have used heat on her hair. The last time I flat-ironed her hair was for Easter this year. I used to flat-iron her hair for Christmas, Easter and once in the summer (it would coincide with her trims). But I've since learned that #1 I can use something like banding to straighten out her hair enough to cut it evenly. And 2, curly hair doesn't need to be cut perfectly even anyway because you can't really tell when it's in its natural curly state!

Can we see a few of your favorite styles?
Of course, just remember these are pretty basic because that's where my abilities are right now. (Carousel Braid, Fishtail Headband with a french braid detail in the back, 5 strand braid with ribbon, Kitchen Sink Ponytail from Babes in Hairland, Slide Braid, Cornrows/Box Braids, Accent Braids into 4 Strand Braids)

How did you learn to do all of this?
I learned to do hair from my mom. I had 2 sisters under me to practice on. But I wasn't made to do their hair it was just whenever I wanted to (my mom handled her BUSINESS when it came to our hair. She had all 3 of us girls lookin' right all the time, I don't know how she did it!) I still can't do hair as well as my mom, but I'm getting there! The first 3 hair blogs I saw and started following were Adopt a Do, Princess Hairstyles and Beads Braids and Beyond all on the same day and in that order. It was like somebody turned on the light in a pitch black room, lol. From there I've started following countless other blogs and just learning as I go along! I follow 'em all too, I don't discriminate in that regard. I follow the Caucasian hair blogs, the AA hair blogs, the biracial hair blogs… I learn something new from each of them all the time.

How does your daughter feel about her hair? Can we see her favorite style?
GDL loves her hair. She loves it curly, braided up, beaded up, and every which way. Her favorite hairstyle was the Lady Gaga Hairbow. Here's a picture :)

If you had to share one hair care tip, what would it be?
Probably that it's never too late. My daughter's 6 and the first thing I thought when I found these hair care blogs was "Wow, I've been ruining my daughter's hair for 6 years." I was being totally dramatic, it wasn't that bad. You just correct yourself and move on. Also that you might not find your ideal products the first time around. So don't get discouraged, Mix and match stuff till you find what works for you!


Learn more about Goldilocks & her hair over at their blog, Goldilocks*n*Me