Thank you for your interest in advertising with Beads, Braids & Beyond. With your advertising purchase, you will also be added to our rotating list of favorite pages on our Facebook Fan page (21,000+ fans) and receive a Facebook "shout out" once a month.
Ads are first come, first serve basis. Ads go directly under our "Friends & Sponsors" section in the side bar.
I am currently only doing reviews and giveaways with our advertisers.
If you would like to advertise with us, please see our rates below.

1 month: $100
3 months: $280
6 months: $560
12 months: $960

1 month: $200
3 months: $560

1 month: $300
3 months: $840
Please email me at if you would like to begin advertising. I will also email you a copy of our most recent Google Analytics report.
Thanks for your consideration and support!