Chicago Public Schools is investigating a mother's concerns involving a picture her child's teacher allegedly posted on Facebook.
Ukailya Lofton, 7, says math is her favorite subject. She also likes to dress up. For picture day last week, Ukailya wore Jolly Rancher candies at the end of her braids, a hairstyle she says her computer teacher at Overton Elementary School mocked on Facebook.
"She took a picture of me and then she said my boyfriend can't believe this," Ukailya told ABC7.
"She told me her teacher told her to put her hair in her face and she took out her cell phone and she took a picture, not knowing she was putting my baby on Facebook and criticize her," said Lucinda Williams, mother.
Williams says she copied some of the comments from the teacher's Facebook page. The teacher allegedly wrote, "right, this is for picture day." Then someone commented,"if you are going to make your child look ridiculous, the least you can do is have them matching." Another wrote,"yeah, this is foolishness." And one added, "I laughed so hard that my contact popped out."
"My mama told me she put it on Facebook and then I felt sad," said Ukailya.
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Aisha sent me an email about this story so I thought I would share it here on the blog. I know some of the styles here are "out of the norm" (pumpkin style for Halloween, birds nest style for crazy hair day, etc) so I was wondering if after hearing this story you are concerned at all about this type of behavior happening in your child's school?