Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gorgeous Curls With Kinky-Curly

Remember when I posted the Kinky-Curly review? I said I liked the Curling Custard on A's hair but I wasn't really feelin' the Knot Today. Well, I'm loving both on Lil Man's hair! I posted on Facebook earlier that I washed Lil Man's hair and applied Kinky-Curly Knot Today and Curling Custard to his hair and it looked like he had a jheri curl, I was just waiting for it to dry to see the final results. Well these are the final results! Gorgeous curls, right? And this is AFTER his nap and "highchair hair"! Some curls are a little crunchy but I'm hoping the crunch will be gone by tomorrow. Just wanted to share!