This is our last family photo from august of last year. His hair is much much longer than that now.
Tell us a little about yourself and your son:
I'm Shay and my son is "Man". I'm biracial myself (mom is white, dad is black) and I've been natural most of my life, expect for the time when I was a teen I thought it'd be cool to do a relaxer... NOT! I knew when I had kids that I'd keep their hair natural, it just seems easier to me. Although my husband is black, their hair texture is no where near what I expected it to be. My son is will be 2 in July and as far as his hair type I'm not too sure. I just know that it is SUPER curly, very easy to tangle and mat up and very soft.
What is your son's hair care routine?
I typically style his hair once a week or one every week and a half. it really just depends on how his hair is looking and his mood. he's never had a hair cut and i'm cool with that =). sometimes he wears a cap thing on his hair for a few days after he gets braids. i try to always let him wear a silk cap in the car because his carseat drys his hair out so bad.
What kind of products do you use on his hair?
I used L'Oreal Ever Pure Sulfate Free shampoo in the Moisture kind and HE herbal hydration conditioner. I just recently picked up a braid spray at Sallys that is for nonbreakage/moisture/itchy scalp. It smells great and seems to be working pretty good. Sometimes I use a small bit of gel when I braid his hair.
Can we see some hair pictures?
I really like his hair loose but because he's so young and so active, it's just not that wise to leave it out for long periods.
He was born with a head full of hair and didn't loose any of it. The texture was slick as a board though. This is the day he was born
^ about julyish of 2010 ^
^ probably around sept/oct 2010 ^
^ they were cute finger twist.. but they started to get frizzy quickly ^
^ nov 2010 ^
^ christmas 2010 ^
^most recent shot of his hair 3/10/11^
I swear his hair is even longer than that now.
How does your son feel about his hair?
Although he's only 1 1/2 i think he really likes it. He points to his hair a lot and says haiirrrrrrr and smiles. He likes to shake his hair a lot too.
If you had to share one hair care tip, what would it be?
take the time to properly style/take care of the hair from the beginning and it'll save you a big headache later. Even soft hair needs moisture!
I do have a blog where I post photos for inspiration, it's