Friday, November 26, 2010

Chunky Two Strand Twist Out



I removed A's box braids the night before Thanksgiving. First I rinsed her braids and added a handful of Bee Mine Avacado Conditioner. Using the end of our metal rat tail, I began removing her braids. I placed the end of our metal rat tail comb between each stitch and worked my way from the bottom of the braid to the top. The process took about 1.5-2 hours, not nearly as long as it took to put them in. After I took out about 10-15 box braids I detangled that section with our modified Denman D3 brush and made a quick two strand twist. By the time I was done she had about 10 large two strand twists in. At this point, I knew it was too late to do any type of intricate style so I removed each twist one by one, added a little Bee Mine Curly Butter, then retwisted until I was done retwisting all ten twists.

Thanksgiving morning came and I removed all of her twists. I used a wide tooth comb to fluff her roots and make there there were no visible parts. I gently separated a few twists and viola! A nice, full, fluffy twist out!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

How did your child wear their hair for Thanksgiving? Please feel free to leave a comment and even send in pictures for Hair Share at