I have seen a lot of talk about the word nappy in many different forums. I would love to know what you all think about this word.
How do you feel about the word "nappy"?
Do you use it? What is your definition of nappy? How does your community use this word? Is this word off limits? Why/why not? I'd like to hear everyones views on this.
We adopted from Ethiopia last spring and live in a very diverse community. We typically use frizzy or fuzzy in my house.
ReplyDeleteWe have noticed that nappy is not a definition of the hair, it is a definition of the care that the hair recieved.
Last summer Little L's hair was about 1.5" long and we were working on product hunting, we recieved the nappy comment on several occasions (after they asked to feel her hair). Her hair is a 3c/4a texture and now that is shines and is soft we don't recieve the nappy comment.
One fellow Ethiopian adoptive mom told us that someone informed her that her 9 year old daughter's hair was "trully nappy" (it is lower back length). The fellow mom thought that meant that her daughter's hair was nappy and others noticed. We informed her that it meant that she wasn't taking care of her daughters hair well (no silk at night, no braids ever, no daily moisturizer and no detangling) she now makes sure to take care of her daughter's hair and no longer recieved the comments.
It bothers me to hear other people talk about their child's hair in that manner when the child is present. To me hair is hair. Good hair to me means healthy hair.
ReplyDeleteI agree with both Cherri and dimples. I actually have been seeing this discusion around the forums and even put it on my blog lol. In the past I was offended by this word because it was used in a negative way. Just recently I have been like maybe we should just choose to not view it in a negative way because it is just another word ppl use to hurt or put down others. All in All I don't agree with the use of the word but if you use it I am just saying don't do it to put someone down.
ReplyDeleteI hate the word Nappy, one reason I lived in the UK for 4 years and it is what they call dipers. But on the other hand I think it sounds bad and makes the child feel bad. My children are bi-racial and always ask me why their hair is not like mine. I tell my children that their hair is not like mine because God made them special and they are beautaful the way they are. Terms like these just make children think if its not white its not right. I teach my children to love who they are and embrace their uniquness.
ReplyDeleteI do not use the word Nappy at all. I have always felt that it's mostly used negatively and to offend people.
ReplyDeleteNappy.... Hummm I don't like it.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter does not use it and I think that there are other words to describe the texture with out making it sound "Nappy"
Hi Nikki,
ReplyDeleteI really hate it when someone uses it to describe another person's hair in a negative, degrading way...especially a child's hair. In my opinion, when a child constantly hears negative comments about their hair being nappy they develop a negative self image. When I was growing up, that word was used by just about every black person I knew, thus perpetuating the idea that we all had to straighten our hair because it "looked better" or was "acceptable". Since I have transitioned to natural I have a whole new appreciation for natural hair and its beauty whether curly/coily/kinky or any mix in between. I personally don't use the word nappy, but I know people who do. Just the other day my aunt told me she would never go natural because her hair was just way too nappy (her exact words). To me that sounds like the ultimate self-hate. That's a shame! She would rather process her hair TO DEATH with harsh chemicals (she once applied TWO relaxers on the same day because she didn't feel her hair was straight enough after the first one...true story)and applying heat everyday than learn how to care for and appreciate her natural, beautiful hair. Sad!!
Sarah K.
ReplyDeleteHonestly before i went natural i always said that my hair was "nappy". it was what i always heard it was since i am from uganda,Africa and many of the ignorant thinks that to characterize afticans is nappy hair, dark as the blacktop with big lips and a funny acent, many of my friends were surprised that i was african. i was always told that it is better to have a relaxer in ur hair so that it could be straight like everyone else. since i was 4 my mother always put extensions in my hair, or it was relaxed i never got to know my true natiral texture as a child. now that i am a mother to a beautiful child i decided to go natural and i NOW LOVE MY HAIR. the word nappy is not used in my house anymore, i constantly correct my husband when he says our daughters hair is nappy (when i have just taken it out of braids). i think it is a derogotory word to make us black women to despise our hair texture. My hair is tightly coiled, i say "I have good hair because it is healthy!!!
Don't like it at all, not even to hear people talk about their own hair as nappy. There is no way to flip the term in my opinion. I can't stand it when my mother says it about my daughter's hair, it makes me sick.
ReplyDeleteSome people embrace it. They say they are happy to be nappy, but I don't like the term. To me, it is negative. I agree with the commenter who said good hair is healthy hair regardless of texture.
ReplyDeleteGood hair is healthy hair!!!! Amen to that!
ReplyDeleteI'm coming to terms with that word. I grew up hearing it as a negative term and I personally don't like it (can't stand it because it was always used offensively), refuse to use it, and correct anyone who uses it. But at the same time, I think sometimes I try to condition myself to look at it as a positive just for my own sake. I still get a tinge of pain anytime I hear people use it negatively.
ReplyDeleteI would never call my daughters' hair nappy. I use the term coily or curly & I say it in a positive manner...but I love their hair & any hair that is curly & natural.
ReplyDeleteII don't like when I hear people use it to describe a child's hair..or really anyone's hair b/c to me, they're implying that having a curl is a bad thing.
At the same time, I don't let the term 'nappy' have any power over me
hi within the last week i just found out this blog spot i love it its very informative and i love the step by step instructional styling for differentl hairdos my daughter and son are biracial and my daughters hair is very thick and very curly and my son has ringlets people ometimes refer to my daughters hair as nappy i dont really like the use of this word because people usually use the word in a derogatory manner so i think that people should refrain from using this word in reference to a childs hair