Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Q.O.T.W: Ever find something in the hair that didn't belong?


I originally saw this question asked in the CN forum but I thought this would get pretty funny when dealing with our children, so...

Have you ever found something in your childs hair that did not belong there? Share your story!

As for us, I remember one day I sent A to school with one ponytail. She came home from school and everything looked normal. I went to take her ponytail down to find several small rocks and little sticks. You know those little sticks from the playground? I think she was probably rolling around on the ground. I know I have found other things, I will post them in a comment as I remember.


  1. Wood chips, another hair barret that didnt match, sand, lint from her nap blanket @ school... blond hair (she is a brunette) ... hahah

  2. I have found food (bits of Jolly Ranchers), a sticker, cheese (it was melted when she put in in there, then it solidified in her hair), and the list goes on. I have a 2 yr old, so there's something new in her hair every other day.

  3. I've pulled more than a few strands of my own hair out of my girls' hair. Blechhh. Just this morning I found a big tangle of tan thread wrapped around a band in my Little R's hair. It wasn't there when she went to bed, and she wore a sleep cap, and the thread matches nothing in her room, so I have no idea where it came from.

  4. Wood chips,food,sand,dirt,grass,flowers,finger prints from writing with chalk,lint,small toys in his Afro poof ponytails...the list goes on. Hey, he's a busy little boy....which makes me a harder working mommy, I wouldn't have it any other way....he's my second half of exercise a day.

  5. Grass, an earing, and some food!

  6. Tire treads (from the playground). This is on a daily basis! Wood chips are common at my house. I find strands of E's hair in O's hair all of the time. Syrup. That one has to be the worst.

  7. OMG so funny that this question is here, well I dunno if this what I found should be there or not but it has def startled me, I found just 1 strand of hair that is a diff colour to the rest of Jen's Hair, she has Black hair and i found a Red/burgundy coloured hair on her's not noticeable at a distance but if u plaiting away u may come across it...Too weird...the wonderful world of Genetics i guess, still strange tho cos i'm a brunette!

  8. Any and all food. And it's only going to get worse. The most annoying to get out I think was kiwi seeds. I cringe when I pick her up from school and they tell me she was throwing wood chips again and it's not wash day.

    Love the question. So many funny things.

  9. Green glitter, ugh! Talk about a pain. She looked like she had a green halo for a week until it finally worked it's way out of her hair.

  10. Lots of carpet fuzz, ever now & then a ranbom food or string!

  11. always fluff from her clothes.. it sticks to her hair like a magnet. And i'm often digging out sticks or leaves - she is a real outdoorsy girl so she collects a lot of the fun in her hair. It makes for an interesting detangling session.


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