This little cutie below is 2 year old Madison. Her mommy did these fabulous twists in her hair. It took her 3 days to finish because she wouldn't sit still for too long but her mom said it was well worth it because she plans on leaving her hair like this for a while and just retouching as needed. This make me want to do these twists in A's hair again!
First check out Madison's length. I did mention she was only 2, right?! All this hair!

Delicia sent in these pictures of her beautiful daughter Sariya. She did the braided veil style and the heart style, love how she switched it up and did puffs!

Kim sent in these pictures of her gorgeous daughter, Shiloh. This was Kim's first time cornrowing! Great job!

LaToya aka Mom2KurlyT sent in this style she did on her cutie, "T". Check out their blog here!

Carlita sent in some styles she did on her pretty girl, Ali.
Love where she placed the barrettes in this veil style!

Check out Ali's frohawk:

Jackie sent in this great style she did on her daughter, RaMya:

Alexandra aka Auntie Alley sent in these cute styles she did a while back on her adorable niece, Sarrayah.

And last but certainly not least Theresa sent in this picture of her pretty princess, Sky wearing the Princess Tiana Bun

I was a little behind in Hair Share, so I hope I didn't leave anyone out. If I did, please let me know.
If you would like to participate in Hair Share, send in pictures of your childs style(s). Whether it's all natural, braids, twists, it all counts!
Thanks again for participating. I look forward to seeing more great styles from everyone.