Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sister Twists: One Year Later

I think most of you know that I learned how to properly care for A's hair just over one year ago (January 2009 is when I started doing research and such). Even then, I wasn't doing everything correctly. No one is perfect.

I shared some pictures of A's sister twists then and now in a couple of my favorite forums, I didn't plan on posting them- but I feel so proud that I really wanted to share the pictures with you all. Her hair is so healthy now, and well, you can't really ignore the significant amount of growth she has had in about 14 months.

First sister twists: February 17th, 2009


Sister twists now: April 28th, 2010


It's crazy what simple proper hair care methods/techniques can do in such a short amount of time.

Have you noticed any changes in your childs hair lately?


  1. O my her hair grew more than double in length. Good job. Thanks for helping us other mommies.

  2. Wow. That is some major growth. Ok now your going to have to post what you did differently with A's hair. From the time you learned how to properly care for her hair to now. Great job Nikki. A had those cheeks that a grandmother would squeeze until she starts to cry. (lol)

  3. Wow, now if that's not inspiration I don't know what is! Thank you for sharing. I know when your daughter gets older & she looks back on all this she gonna be like "Mama always had me hooked up! No wonder my hair is so healthy!" Keep doing your thing! Be Well-ladydray2002

  4. What a beautiful lil lady, I am amazed at the amount of growth that she has acheived in such a short amount of time

  5. That's amazing growth! That looks like more than the 6" that is normally achieved in a year. Either way, it's amazing that you researched, did trial & error & put a lot of love into your daughter's hair & that it has gotten to this point.

    And I'm co-signing w/ dimples about you giving up the regimen goods lol

  6. wow!! that's some good growth!! her hair is so beautiful!!

  7. Exactly what is a "sister twist"??

  8. Alimom, see this post: (highlight, press CTRL + c, then paste)

    Basically you take two strands of hair, start twisting one strand clockwise, other strand counter clockwise, and twist around each other, keep doing the clockwise counter clockwise as you twist them around. A lot of people call them rope twists, but, the video that taught me how to do them called them sister twists- so I stick with that. Hope that helps.

  9. Look at that growth!!! Great job mom :)

  10. That is amazing!! Nikki you are dong an awesome job!

  11. wow nikki it has grown a lot and looks super healthy u should do a thread of b4 and after pics of all yur followers,avi's hair has grown a great deal since she was 3,niw 5,back then i thought i was taking care of it well but now i know different

  12. Her hair looks great! Look how much longer it is! Great job!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. wow you've been going a great job with her hair.

  15. That's a lot of growth and a lot of love lavished on A's beautiful hair!

  16. I guess it's a kid thing with the growth, b/c lookig back at pictures of the girls from last year, they were pretty much bald then & I was wishing for their hair to grow. Now they have SO much hair...we're not to A's level yet, but it's a lot of growth considering they had TWA's last yr lol

  17. Wow that's some good growth...Her hair grew really fast...........

  18. There is a huge difference in the pics. I'm trying to do the simple techniques with my infant daughter; hope i have similar results with her. thanks for sharing

  19. WOW the growth is amazing, do you think it is more of the reggie that you are using or the braids. My little girl is currently rockn this same style but I put beads at the end and she loves it.

  20. I have been doing what I thought were two stranded twist for about a year now and they just don't turn out all that cute and I could never do a twist out with them. For some reason I just figured out I was doing them wrong and now they turn out like the cute ones in your pictures. I am excited to finally know how to do them correctly! I will have to see if they twist out as nicely as yours do too. Thanks for all your advice and ideas.

  21. You are most deff doing the right stuff ;) It looks like her hair went from shoulder length to waist length in one year! Incredible!

  22. Wow! That is such a long hair growth in just a year. I can't wait to see how my daughter's hair changes now that I am starting to take care of it like it should be taken care of.

  23. I showed my 6 1/2 year old this picture and she was so excited for her hair to grow!
    Such an inspiration!

  24. Nikki, I tried to copy one of the links for the sister twists tutorial and the computer beeped and a little screen popped up and said 'ok.' Is that video link available some place else?

  25. WOW what an enourmous growth difference.... it's crazy how fast it grew


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