Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day


Since starting Beads, Braids & Beyond I have met a lot of wonderful mommies. I can tell how much you all love your children and how much you truly want to build up their self esteem, even if that simply means properly caring for their hair. I hope to meet many more mom's to come. Happy Mother's Day to you all!

I hope you all have a fabulous Mother's Day and may your children continue to fill your life with laughter and joy.


  1. Happy Mother's Day to you too! I hope you had a good one.

  2. Happy Mothers Day to you too. Hope you had a great day.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Happy Mother's Day to you too, Nikki!

  5. "A" is such a silly, smart, beautiful little girl, that pic made my Mother's day that much better, Happy Belated Mother's day Nikki and all of the other mothers, I hope your day was as great as mines!


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