Sunday, May 16, 2010

French Braid Out on Mom


I have been rather bored with my usual messy bun lately so I decided to try to go for the beach wave look. It looks more like I crimped my hair but that's okay. Definitely inspired by my daughter of course and all the fabulous braid out's I've seen in various forums.

Click *here* to see A's cornrow braid out.

Get the look:
  • On freshly washed hair apply moisturizer & styling cream I used BeeMine Luscious Balanced Cream Moisturizer and BeeMine Bee Hold Curly Butter I applied about a dime size amount to 4 sections and brushed through with my Denman D3 Brush.
  • If you want more of a loose wave, try 1-2 french braids, if you want a look similar to what I have try doing 4 french braids.
  • I parted my (wet) hair from ear to ear and made two french braids in the back, then I made one french braid in the front on each side going down to the side. If you wear your hair to the side make a side part, if you wear it straight down the middle, be sure to make a middle part.
  • I secured the ends of all 4 french braids with the Faded Glory ponytail holders I bought from Walmart.
  • I woke up in the morning, got dressed, then started to take down each french braid. My hair felt very soft and moisturized, however, it was still a little damp. My hair takes forever to dry to yes my hair is slightly damp in these pictures.



This is a great style for mother's who want to switch up their look but don't have a lot of time to do so. Do a few french braids at night (total styling time should be no more than 10 minutes- unless you plan on doing more) wake up in the morning, take down the french braids (a couple of minutes) and you're good to go!