Monday, July 11, 2011

Top 5 Biggest Mistakes We've Made With Our Children's Hair

I asked you all on both of our Facebook pages "What's the biggest mistake you've made with your child's hair?" There was over 60 comments total. Here are the top 5 biggest mistakes we've made with our children's hair (in order).

  1. Using the Wrong Products (mineral oil/petroleum, baby lotion, baby oil, grease, etc.)
  2. Texturizing/Relaxing (many of these children are natural or transitioning now)
  3. Using Beads & Rubberbands (a main complaint was leaving the rubberbands in for too long and beads ripping the hair out)
  4. Using Heat (flat iron, hot comb, curling iron)
  5. Rough Detangling (ripping out knots, not using the proper tools, being impatient, etc.)
Hopefully by others seeing this post they won't make the same mistakes.

What's the biggest mistake you've made with your child's hair?