Saturday, July 9, 2011

Large Two Strand Twists

I let A wear her big stretched out hair for a couple of days. Her hair was starting to get quite tangled so I decided to do a simple two strand twist style.

To acheive this look, I grabbed large sections of hair with my fingers and dampened each section (one at a time) with a spray bottle. I then added some new Little Penguins products (review soon!) to each section of hair, detangled with our modified denman d3 brush and twisted each section. I held each section down/out to make sure it didn't shrink up as much. Her twists are definitely hanging a little more than usual so it worked out. I continued grabbing large sections, adding product, and twisting until I was finished. There are no rubberbands at the base or ends. To get the twists to stay, I simply rolled the ends between my fingers several times. She loves the results but she told me she'd like to wear a twist out tomorrow. We'll see! :)