Thursday, July 28, 2011

Remake: Curvy French Braided Cascading Veil

I saw this gorgeous style on Princess Hairstyles a few days ago but didn't even bother watching her video tutorial because it looked like it would give me a headache. I saw the style again yesterday on Goldilocks*n*Me's Facebook page and it looked just as gorgeous so I decided to go ahead and give it a try since A's hair was already stretched out from banding. After watching the great video tutorial on Princess Hairstyles I realized how easy this style was and got to work.

So here's where the "problem" comes in. The styles only took about 20 minutes or so (this includes detangling and adding product) but A's hair is so dark that you cannot see the cascading veil. Both Princess Hairstyles and Goldilocks have blonde hair so it's easier to see the style on their hair. Another problem we had was A's hair does not lay flat like theirs so I had to use a bobbypin and pin the cascading veil down under the braid. You can see the results below.

I tried to get the style to look a little better so I did a large twisted ponytail. It looked better but it still seemed to be missing something.

That's when I grabbed a few accessories. Some flower spin pins and a cute side hair comb. The cascading veil is still not very visible but I like the end results.

A great style for special occasions! Make sure you stop by and Check out Princess Hairstyles and Goldilocks*n*Me!