Last night I washed A's hair with Kinky Curly Come Clean shampoo and conditioned/detangled with Herbal Essences Hello Hydration conditioner (old ingredients). After washing and detangling, I applied a little Blended Cutie Butter Me Up to a medium size section of her hair and banded it. I did this for a total of 6 sections. The next morning, I removed the bands and detangled her hair again. I twisted each section after removing the bands and detangling. I planned on doing some kind of braid style but we had to go to the store so I parted her hair down the middle for pigtails. I used Blended Beauty Happy Nappy Styles and a Denman boar bristle brush to smooth the hair down. I used ouchless ponytail holders to secure the twists at the base and ends. Nothing special, just a very simple yet cute style.
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