Saturday, July 10, 2010

Two Strand Twist Out


I took A's two strand twists out (on day 4) from her Two Strand Twisted Halo With Cornrows Style I sprayed her hair with a little Bee Mine Juicy Spirtz and that was it!


On a side note, I'm having some internet trouble. No idea what's going on but they have been out here to fix it twice now, they will be back tomorrow so I'll keep my fingers crossed. I hope to do the drawing of the Blended Cutie Giveaway tomorrow if I can get all of the names down. :) Thanks for your patience!


  1. Very pretty! Hope they are able to fix your internet soon.

  2. This is super cute! Going to try for this for my little one tonight if she'll sit still.

  3. I like how the top is still twisted but the rest is out. Cute!

  4. I like the twist out in A's hair.

  5. She looks darling as ever. And welcome "back"!

  6. Awesome like always. And 9 more followers for 1,000. How are we celebrating.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. So cute. & quick from the description, just my style lol

  9. I am desperatly trying to figure out how to get Cadance's hair to behave with this style but it gets crazy frizzy and is not looking hot by day 2. Any suggestions?


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