Sunday, June 3, 2012

Flat Twists into Afro

You may remember Miss A's older cousin, Ky, from a few past posts- here, here and here.

Ky came over with her hair in a few large twists so I decided to give her a quick style before we headed out.

I started by spraying her hair with water and adding a fairly generous amount of Bee Mine Luscious Moisturizer all over her hair. I detangled with a Denman brush, this only took a few minutes because her hair wasn't very tangled. I then parted the top section of her hair from ear to ear and tied off the back. I parted the top section straight down the middle and got started on the left side of her hair. Using a metal rat tail comb, I parted near her left ear at an angle and began doing a basic two strand flat twist. Simply part a small amount of hair at the beginning of the section you are twisting, split it into two and cross the right piece over the left piece, pinch off a small amount of hair evenly across and add it to your new left section. Continue pinching off a little hair, adding it to each section and cross over until you get to the end of the flat twist. Keep a good grip on the end of the flat twist so it does not come undone. I decided to secure the end with a rubberband dipped in extra virgin coconut oil. I continued this process until she had a total of 6 flat twists on top.  I fluffed the back of her 'fro and viola! All done!

This was Ky's first time wearing her afro out. She really liked the style but was worried about what others would think. I told her that her hair is absolutely beautiful just the way it is and she should never be ashamed of it! :-) She got so many compliments on her style and at the end of the day she told me she really likes afros now. I cannot express the joy I felt when I heard that, it totally made my week.

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