Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Picture of the Day: Sick Cornrowed Spider Design for Halloween!

...and by sick I mean amazing! Toni of Keyative styles shared this on our Facebook page. Great style for Halloween!


  1. This is one of those "stop people dead in their tracks" styles. Amazing. Great job!

  2. O_o Now that is some talent! WOW!!!

  3. Wow. This is amazing! Toni did wonderful!

  4. My goodness! I am blown away by this. How creative. Amazing!

  5. Those are some exceptional skills on display, most definitely.

    By the way, I'm new to this site and I love it. I spent almost 2 hours browsing through the archives lol. I love braided/twisted hair and even though I'm 23, the styles on this site can easily updated for grown folks, conservative work environments, etc. I'm anxious to try some of these looks on my nieces too! Great work, keep it up :)

  6. Umm WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW I want my braiding skills to be like yours when they grow up <3

  7. wow, that is amazing....I wish I could braid like that, or maybe I will start trying to learn b4 I have kids. :)


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