Monday, May 16, 2011

A's First Trim

Edited to add: Blogger was undergoing maintenance and deleted all of the previous comments made on this post. Sorry about that!

Looks like more than an inch in this picture because her hair is blending in with the chair.

Ok, not exactly her first trim. She did get a little accidental trim on the right side of her head from granny, remember? I was supposed to take A to get a trim when I made out Banding F.A.Q's post but she ended up getting her hair wet the next day so I put it off for a few more weeks. Well, today I decided I really wanted her to get a trim before the protective styling challenge. I was already banding A's hair for her school pictures tomorrow (I think we will do something simple, like a braid-out), her hair was banded for 3 nights, between 10 and 13 sections using Bee Mine Luscious Moisturizer, of course. Last night I put two cornrows along her hairline (tip from HappyGirlHair) before banding so I don't continue putting stress around that area by pulling it back in ponytails. Today at the last minute, I swooped by A's school to pick her up and headed to the salon.

Our experience was great! I must admit, I was really nervous after reading all the horror stories online. I told the stylist (hey Jessie!) that we have a hair care blog for children and I would hate to come on here and tell you all that the stylist did not listen. She assured me she would only take off as much as I wanted and not to worry. After chatting with her for a bit I could tell she knew her stuff. We breifly chatted about detanglers and some other hair products I'm familiar with. We decided to take off only an inch and that's exactly what she did! She was really nice and great with A. She told me what she was doing every step of the way. A's ends feel GREAT! I haven't tried combing her hair yet but I already know it's going to be easier since she doesn't have those little fairy knots on her ends. I will keep you all posted.

By the way, I told her I was going to post some pictures on the blog so she could stop by and check them out. I also told her not to tell you all I was looking a hot mess (don't judge me). I think everyone thought I was crazy taking pictures the way I was.

The night before:

Another after: