Friday, August 12, 2011

Product Review: Belle Butters Unyevu Butter + Three Strand Twist Out

Tasha from Belle Butters sent me a couple of samples last week and I couldn't wait to try them! Yesterday I washed and detangled A's hair (Tiny Twirls shampoo, Little Penguins Smoothie) so we started off with completely clean hair. I decided to try the Unyevu Butter first because it smelled so yummy! By the time I started twisting A's hair, most of it was dry but there were some damp areas. I grabbed large sections with my fingers and applied a nice amount of the Unyevu Butter to her hair. I distributed the product evenly with a Denman brush, sectioned the hair into 3 parts and began doing a three strand twist. I did this until she had about 10 three strand twists in. This butter is thick but creamy and was easy to work into A's hair. The next morning I removed the twists and A's hair had lots of shine and felt moisturized but not greasy or weighed down. Her hair feels super soft. I really like this butter and I think it will also work fabulous on sister twists, mini braids, sealing ends, etc. I only had a 2oz jar so I was a little worried that I wouldn't have enough but I didn't even use half of the jar! A little definitely goes a long way.

Price: $12.00 4oz at Belle Butters

Ingredients: unrefined shea butter, raw pressed mango butter, refined avocado butter, apricot kernel oil, neem oil, sunflower oil, fragrance

Unyevu Butter

Here's our old three strand twist video tutorial:

Three strand twists the next morning

Aftre removing three strand twists

After separating the twists for a fuller look

After separating the twists for a fuller look.
Disclosure: The product(s) were sent to me free of charge from the company or PR agency for the purpose of this review. My opinions are my own and are not influenced by any other part.