Tell us a little about yourself & your daughter:
1.) Hello, my name is KeeKee writer of the Blog Chi Chi Sophistication. This beautiful little girl is my 3 year old daughter Be'. I am unaware of Be's hair type (the system is complicated lol) but she is 100% Natural.
What is your daughter's hair care routine?
2.) Be's haircare routine is pretty simple. I wash her hair every 2 weeks on Sunday evenings. I usually style her hair in protective styles. Protective Styles last longer than most styles & she doesn't experience breakage. I would keep the same style in her hair for 2 weeks. During bedtime, I tie a scarf on her head. It normally stay's on her head all night.
What kind of products do you use on her hair?
3.) Our favorite products are Bobeam Natural Hair Products Shampoo Bars, Hair Tea & Honey Shea Moisture Cream. Bobeam's Hair Tea cracks down on itching & the Honey Shea Moisture Cream Seals in the Moisture for 4 whole days. We love Imani Joi Naturals Pamade & Soy Butter (great for hair dressings). We also love Queen Helen Colesterol Conditioner as well as V05 Shampoo.
Have you ever used chemicals on her hair?
4.) I have never used chemicals in Be's hair. She is ALL-NATUREL! lol
Can we see a few of your favorite styles?
5.)Half Mohawk & Bantu Knots
6.) I learned how to style Bantu Knots while I was a student at Madam Walkers Braidery & Schools. I normally just style as I go....which always turn out to be master peices.
How does your daughter feel about her hair? Can we see her favorite style?
7.) At age 3, Be' is a confident child. She knows she is beautiful & she loves her hair. After I style her hair, she goes running to the mirror to check her hair out for herself. Her favorite hairstyle is ponytails & twist.
If you had to share one hair care tip, what would it be?
8.) While braiding or applying ponytails to a child's head, don't braid the hair to tight! When hair is braided to tight, small bumps will began to form around the headline. These bumps often turn into open sores, which can also become an opening for infections. Don't be heavy handed.
Please check out KeeKee's blog:
Chi Chi Sophistication: Hairstyling, Laughs, & Good Conversation.