Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Diva Spotlight: LeeLee

Tell us a little about yourself & your daughter:
One of my daughter's many nicknames is LeeLee and she is 2 1/2 years old. She has a younger sister named Babydoll that is 6m and will be a feature Diva Spotlight as well. LeeLee loves when her hair is done and always says its beautiful. She loves anything and everything to do with princesses, yet she is still a wild and crazy one! I'm not sure of her hair type but I believe its a 3c.

Tell us about your blog (allthingscuteandgirly) and what inspired you to create it:
My blog allthingscuteandgirly focuses mainly on my daughter's journey to healthy, beautiful hair without the use of heat or chemicals. I am also broadening it up by adding a few things I like such as fashion, nails, make up etc. Pretty much all things cute and girly! Hence, the blog name. I first started the blog as a way to record my daughter's growth and my growth at learning as well but then it developed into something more. I love sharing what I've learned and want to show everyone that it is possible to take care of your little one's hair. All it takes is some learning and trial and error and you will get there in no time (:

What is your daughter's hair care routine?
We don't have a set routine where every day has a task. I shampoo and condition her hair once-2x a week depending on her style. Lately, since the protective style challenge I've been braiding her hair and leaving it in anywhere from 3-4 maybe 5 days and then taking it out and washing her hair. Then I repeat. This has been our routine for a few months.

What kind of products do you use on her hair?
For shampoo and conditioner I use Garnier Fructis Olive, Avocado and Shea which I LOVE! Shea Moisture curl enhancing smoothie and their curl and style milk. Bee Mine Luscious Balanced Moisturizer and Curly butter. Ecostyler gel, our shea mixture and glycerin mix. Sometimes kinky curly curling custard.

Have you ever used chemicals on her hair?
No, I have not and do not plan to. I love her hair the way it is and wouldn't want to damage it in any way.

Can we see a few of your favorite styles? 
Of course..

How did you learn to do all of this?
It will actually be a year next month when I decided to learn to properly care for her hair. I first found Happy Girl Hair through google. From her, I found Beads, Braids and Beyond and Princess hairstyles. I read a bunch of blogs and even watched YouTube videos. I also practiced and played in her hair A LOT!

How does your daughter feel about her hair?
My daughter LOVES her hair! She randomly at times says how beautiful and pretty it is. Just the other day she said, " mommy my hair is CURLY!!" She compliments me on my straight hair, too but I always remind her that her hair is as beautiful.

Can we see her favorite style?
I just asked her how she likes her hair so I could put up a pic and she replied, "no, I whip my hair back and forth! I whip my hair back and forth!" So I'm assuming when its worn out like this:

If you had to share one hair care tip, what would it be?
Don't get frustrated if you do not see results right away. Healthy hair is more important than length. When you find out what your hair likes and you stick with it and properly care for it, THEN you will see the growth. Also, STOP COMPARING YOUR HAIR (OR YOUR CHILD'S) WITH SOMEONE ELSES. All hair is different and need different care.

Please make sure you stop by and check out their blog, All Things Cute & Girly!