Thursday, June 18, 2015

Bee Mine Products PRE-SUMMER SALE!

It's no secret that our favorite hair care products is Bee Mine. They just launched their pre-summer sale, receive 20% off your purchase using code: JUNEBBB

We've been using their products for years. If your child's hair seems to have a hard time staying moisturized or just soaks everything up I highly recommend you at least try their Luscious Moisturizer. Swear by this stuff!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Dove Hair: Love Your Curls

Check out this adorable Dove commercial.

"Did you know that only 4 out of 10 curly haired girls think their hair is ‘beautiful’? The best way to inspire them to love their curls is to celebrate and show them how much you love yours. Girls are 7 times more likely to love their curls if people around them do."

Sunday, January 18, 2015

6 Tips for Healthy Natural Hair Growth (Part Three!)

In our final post of this three-part-series we are going to discuss proper detangling and the use of excessive heat. If you missed the previous tips, you can check out part one here, and part two here

Tip #5: Proper Detangling

Proper detangling is crucial when it comes to retaining length. The best thing you can do for your child’s hair is to finger detangle before a comb or brush ever reaches those curly tresses. After washing your child’s hair, you will add your conditioner of choice (hopefully one with lots of slip!). You will begin with small sections by gently running your fingers through your child’s hair, feeling for any small knots. Gently remove them. Once you are finished finger detangling one section, you can use your wide tooth comb or Denman brush. Be sure to always start from the ends, working your way up until that section is completely detangled. Braid or twist the section and move on to the next. Never comb or brush your child’s dry hair unless it has already been completely detangled and stretched (see banding), be sure to use a moisturizer.

Tip #6: Avoid Heat

You’d be surprised at how often people are using heat on their child’s hair. Many parents and caregivers tell me they like to blow dry their child’s hair before styling. Not only does heat weaken the hair shaft, especially if proper heat protectant is not being used, but there’s a big risk with permanently damaging your child’s curl pattern. Once this is done, the damage cannot be reversed unless the heat damaged hair is cut off.  Blowdrying before styling is an unnecessary step that can easily be achieved by banding. Banding is a way to stretch the hair without the use of heat. If you must use heat, make sure you go about it the right way. Check out this post and this post for flat ironing tips.

I hope you have enjoyed this three-part series on how you can help your child grow long, healthy natural hair. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting long, Rapunzel-like hair, try not to put too much emphasis on length as it could create a complex in your little one’s mind. Be mindful of what your child wants and talk to your child about healthy hair care habits. It’s never too early to learn about caring for those beautiful locks, no matter what the length.

You can read all about Miss A's hair care routine by clicking here

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Saturday, January 3, 2015

6 tips for Healthy Natural Hair Growth (Part Two!)

Yesterday we talked about two important tips to get your child started on their healthy natural hair journey. Today, we are going to discuss the importance of protective styling and how it will help retain length.

Tip #3: Avoid Wearing the Hair Out/Loose

If your goal is long hair, I highly advise you to save loose styles for special occasions. This includes an afro, puffs, curls, twist outs... shall I continue? Kinky and curly hair is already prone to tangles. When the hair is worn out for an extended amount of time that only increases the potential damage you are unknowingly causing. Which brings me to our next tip...

Tip #4: Protective Styling

If you’ve been following our blog for a while then you know we can be pretty serious about protective styling. In fact, most of 2011 Miss A was wearing protective styles and that just so happens to be the year she retained the most length. We even had a couple of Protective Styling Challenges that year (shout of to all participants!).

So, what is a protective style exactly? Well, that really depends on who you ask. If you want my opinion, it’s any style that requires no rubber bands or hair accessories (aside from the occasional headband or no slip bow, see part one) and falls under the following category:  Two/three strand twists, box braids, mini braids/twists, cornrowed/twisted updo's. See photos below for examples of a few of our favorite protective styles:

You can use the search box to the left to view more protective styles on the blog.

Most people will probably tell you a protective style is anything that hides the ends of the hair so no damage is being done, or something along those lines. While they are not wrong for thinking this, I don’t completely agree. Buns, for example, hide the ends; however, the bun could be pulling at the hairline, and in Miss A’s case, causing terrible tangling. There will be a lot of trial and error and ultimately you will have to do what works best for your child's mane.

Don't forget to be careful with how tightly you style your little one’s hair. If they are in pain, don’t just chalk it up to them being tender-headed. Try to be as gentle as possible, otherwise it defeats the entire purpose.

For us, protective styles last anywhere from one to six weeks so always remember to continue to moisturize the hair while it’s braided or twisted up. Bee Mine Juicy Spritz is simple and effective.

Tomorrow we will discuss the final two tips in this three part series so be sure to stop by and check it out. I will also be answering any questions or concerns you all may have. So, if there's anything you'd like to ask, be sure to leave a comment.

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