Sunday, June 27, 2010

Where I Buy Our Flexi-rods

Some of you may know that I love flexi-rods. I have used them on my hair and my daughters hair. Click *here* to see some pictures. Many of you have asked me where I buy our flexi-rods for such a low price. I wish it was a world wide store, but unfortunately it's not. I buy our flexi-rods (they are called twist rods on the packs) from a family owned "$1 Store" (yes, that's the name on the sign). They come in a variety of sizes and they are all $2.50 per pack. I bought some large (1 1/4") flexi-rods today. There are three per pack. I also picked up two pink satin pillowcases for $1 each.

I have seen different brand flexi-rods being sold at ridiculously high prices. I guess they are ridiculous to me since I can get them for so cheap but I highly suggest you all check out your family owned dollar stores. If they don't have any, ask them if they would be able to order some. It doesn't hurt to try, right?

Note: I have had our orange flexi-rods for over 1 year now and they still work great!

Edit: I googled "Response Twist Rods" and *this* website came up. They cost a little more than what I pay for them, not sure how much shipping is but I thought I would post it anyway. Another edit: They are located in London so shipping is probably a little high. Sorry!


  1. Cool can't wait to work with the flexible rods

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. does she sleep in those or how long do you wait to take them out?

  4. stacey, yes we have both slept in them. Depending on how you put the rod on (wet hair, dry hair, what product, etc) determines how long you will have to wait to take them out. 2 hours on dry hair with a good product should get the job done.

  5. I bought 30 small flexi rods for seven dollars on ebay =]

  6. Jamilla, that's a steal! I'm a little scared of ebay, LOL. Too bad because I have heard of some really good deals from there.

  7. Sally's flexi rods are so pack of like 8-10 for $7.99...I may just try ebay
    @ jamilla do you remember the seller??

  8. Here's some flexi-rods for 3.99/pack

  9. Hmm, I've never tried them before. Anisa has been asking for curly hair. I'll have to try them out!

  10. I have no idea how to use flexi-rods.

  11. I love target (tarjay), but they had the nerve to sell their rods for $ sad

  12. I also get all mine off ebay as well i've brought many hair items from ebay that are a lot cheaper than i can find any where else.. i even brought my curlformers from there as well...
    we don't really have many of those dollar stores in Australia and the ones we do have do NOT sell products of that nature..
    Australia is deffinatley not the black hair care mecca :( booo to australia

  13. I'm glad I seen this because I almost bought satin pillowcases from ebay for $10 8-O...I will be making a trip to the dollar store asap lol

  14. it's amazing what can be found at dollar stores. visit early and often.

  15. A natural youtuber, chisellecouture, recently bought hers online at Ebay for $2. It's 30 small yellow ones (they look orange in the pic).

  16. I bought from the same person above and ebay is just have to look at the seller's rating. I only buy from people who are 95% and above and only use paypal! And I look at the number in (###) because that will tell you how many people they have sold to. Ebay is also a good place to look for blow dryers, flat irons, etc. I found a CHI there for thirty dollars!! Start with something small like the above link that "anonymous" posted above. It is where I got mine for seven dollars. That way if the transaction does not work out like how you like will only be losing seven dollars.

    happy and safe hunting =]

  17. I've seen them at Ultra Foods as well. Yes, those neighborhood dollar store have lots of cheap products that can be found in bss and big box stores.

  18. Cool, and to a good price.
    But i live in Denmark, it's a little hard to get cheap hair products and styling tools to natural hair here, but it goes. :)

  19. Wow, I will be checking the local dollar store ASAP, lol. You said you have some that's still going after a year, is there any tricks to making it last or it was just good quality & cost? Girl, I paid $5 for a pillowcase & THOUGHT that was a deal, lol.


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