So, I decided to do mini braids for our One Month Protective Styling Facebook Challenge. Now, I know these will last 1 month but I'm hoping for 6 weeks, possibly even 8? We shall see!
Last weekend I washed and detangled A's hair. I left Blended Cutie's Tug Me Knot conditioner in for 15-20 minutes before detangling for a little deep conditioning. After I detangled and rinsed her hair I applied Bee Mine Luscious Moisturizer and banded it in about 9 sections. Her hair wasn't very stretched out when I started styling it on Sunday (May 15th) but I went for it anyway. I didn't finish until Friday, May 20th. I wasn't really on a time limit, I just braided a few rows every day here and there. I think I did about 3 hours on Saturday and the other days ranges from 1 1/2 to 2 hours. I didn't even touch her hair on Thursday. We were both happy to be finished on Friday. After I finished braiding I wet her hair and added some Curly Q's Custard to her ends. I think the braids at the crown of her head are bigger than the rest because I started to get tired. I parted her hair the same exact way I did her mini twists, at an angle the entire time. There are 2 small cornrows in the front on each side across her hairline. The only products I applied to each section as I braided was unrefined shea butter and virgin coconut oil. I don't have an exact time on how long this took but if I had to guess it would be between 10-15 hours over the course of 6 days (took one day off, so 5, really). Lots of DVD's, snacks, patience and silliness were involved. We both love the results and it feels nice to know we won't have to do much to her hair for a month or two.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
Pics from yesterday: