Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sister Twists & Cornrows with A Splash of Color

The weather has been lovely so I really wanted to do a fun and bright style in A's hair. Read below for instructions.

  • I washed and detangled A's hair the night before. After washing and detangling, I moisturized her hair and placed it into 10 medium sized braids, 5 on each side of her hair.
  • I let her wear those braids to school the next day so when she got home her hair was moisturized and stretched out, ready for styling.
  • I began by parting her hair from ear to ear. After I had my top section parted I tied the back section off.
  • I started near her right ear. I just parted straight back, making a square and tied it off with a colorful rubberband. I didn't have any virgin coconut oil near by so I just quickly dipped the rubberbands in Bee Mine Luscious Moisturizer and made sure I added a little extra moisturier to the sections I was banding. After placing a rubberband on this small section, I did a sister twists. To create a sister (or rope) twist you just split the hair into two and start twisting one section clockwise and the other counter clockwise, then you start twisting around one another all the way to the ends. Once I got to the end of the twist I added some beads with our beader.
  • After doing the first section I cornrowed one section back, banded it at the end of the cornrow, then did a sister twist.
  • I then split a larger section on the top, about enough for two cornrows. Instead of cornrowing, I decided to split that large section into two and make 3 small squares in each of those sections. I banded them at the base, then pulled them over to the section on the other side, banded, and repeated. I did the same thing on the other side.
  • I added yet another cornrow and continued this pattern until the top was completely finished.
  • I untied the back of her hair and started at the nape of the neck. I parted three sections in the back, banded at the base, then twisted and added beads. I continued parting squares in the back and twisting until the back was finished.
  • This process took about 2 1/2 hours

Note: I don't like leaving rubberbands in for too long, especially not around her edges so I will keep the rubberbands in the front in for about a day or two then back them out and probably just cornrow those banded together sections.

As you know, I love to switch up styles. You can see a couple of options below.


  1. So cute and colorful!! She is definitely ready for spring!

  2. I love it! And the colors make me even more anxious for Spring to get here!

  3. this is so cute!! love the colors!!

  4. this is adorable! love the colored bands and beads!

  5. That's so cute and colorful. The color selection just shouts Spring. Love it.

  6. Love it! Maybe I'll try it on my daughter this summer

  7. This is cute Mama! We have that same color pack of rubberbands. Hmm...maybe we should break them out and play too!

  8. This is awesome!! Very colourful beautiful!

  9. Very pretty Nikki. Love the colors. I love the ponytail it's sooo pretty.

  10. I love the sister twist out. We have those tops from our fav store. Keep up the good work.

  11. Where did you get those rubber bands?

  12. Just beautiful! How do you secure the beads on the breads. I haven't had much luck with this?

  13. Hi Nikki,

    How do you keep her twists' looking fresh? I twisted my daughters hair and left in in for 2 days and it looked frizzy....

    Love the style btw!


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