Thursday, November 1, 2012

Introducing New Guest Blogger: Carrie Fay

By: Carrie Fay of Amaro Baby

I never in a million years thought that "cornrow" would be a regular part of my vocabulary.  Seriously.  Let alone flat twist... beads... bantu knots or the hundreds of other words that float around our house.  

But then Violet joined our family and my world was turned upside down in a thousand perfect ways, not the least of which is caring for her amazing hair.     

With practically no hair on her head the day she turned 11 months (also they day we met!) she and I have learned this process together, step by step.  Slowly, steadily, and to both of our great delights.  Now we eagerly anticipate hair days.  We collaborate on styles, colors, and the movies to include in our movie marathons.  (Hair days are fun for lots of reasons, people!)   

I get a little too excited talking about hair, can you tell?  So excited that I forget to write about what I'm SUPPOSED to write about:  A little about myself.  I am a proud mama to Violet (3 years old) and Daniel (5 years old).  I am a wife to the most ridiculously amazing husband out there.  I have experienced motherhood through adoption and through pregnancy.  I am a photographer and am relentless in my attempts to stop time (or at least slow it down!) through photography.  I am totally in love with Jesus.  Also, ice-cream.  I am a part of a family where no one matches - four skin tones, four hair types, four different stories - and we love it.  I began homeschooling our two kiddos a few months ago and am daily floored by the experience - it's beyond my wildest expectations.   

I am beyond thrilled to guest post on one of my all time favorite hair blogs.  Violet and I owe so much to the online community of natural hair care supporters/educators and it's my hope that I can encourage the mamas out there who are just starting out, just reaching out for information about natural hair.  You CAN do this!  One cornrow at a time.  

Now, if you'll excuse me.  Hair day is tomorrow and Miss Violet is in the next room, trying to decide on bead colors for her yarn twists.  It might not be the most important decision we'll make all week, but I wouldn't miss it for the world.  

New Blog:  In the works!
Old (Outdated!) Blog: