Monday, October 22, 2012

Miss A's 7th the hospital?!

Hi everyone!

I know it's been a while. There have been so many changes going on in my life lately that I don't even know where to begin!

Let me first start by saying I'm sure most of you noticed our Beads, Braids & Beyond Facebook page is gone. I don't know why. I don't know how. It has saddened me and I was quite depressed over it. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to make another one but I did. We're nowhere near our 40k + likes but I know with your help we can get there. Please go like the new page and share it with your friends. Thank you so much!

I guess I'll just cut to the chase, Miss A's 7th birthday was last week. After work I took her to a new game room where we live and she had a blast. It was nice just spending some 1-on-1 mother/daughter time. I got a new job a couple of months ago so time has been limited. We try to enjoy every moment we have now that's for sure!

Birthday braids with beads
The next day I was at work and received a call. Miss A had just had a seizure. Many of you know Miss A was diagnosed with epilepsy last Spring. Read more about that here. I grabbed my keys, eyes full of tears and rushed out the door. As I was in a hurry driving to the hospital, the ambulance was rushing her to the emergency room. Once I arrived, she was sleeping. She gets very sleepy after having a seizure, which seems to be pretty common.

Always smiling
Miss A was in the hospital for 4 days. They did an MRI and a 24 hour video EEG. The MRI results were normal. The EEG was abnormal, which was to be expected. The neurologist said she had about 6 "starring spells" or "mini seizures" within the first 2 1/2 hours which can easily go unnoticed as they only last about 10 seconds each. He increased her medication so we're home now and hoping and praying for the best. 

I'd like to take a moment to thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers. We truly appreciate it!

Please don't forget to go "like" our new Facebook page!