Monday, June 4, 2012

Miss Zee Coloring Book Project!

Meet Miss Zee! A natural girls coloring book! How awesome is this? The very sweet woman behind this project needs help to make this happen so if you can, please visit her Kickstarter page and make a donation of any kind. No donation is too small, everything helps and is very much appreciated. She only has 22 days to meet her goal and if the goal is not met your money will not be taken so no worries. I know times are rough so if you cannot donate please share this with your friends on Facebook or Twitter. Thank you! :-)  Read below for more info.

You can make donations here:

Also check out these links:

"Think of one coloring book centered around a puffy-haired character of a darker hue.  Can you think of any?  I sure could not.  When I was a little girl, all that were presented to me were the complete opposite.   
I was raised being exposed to infamous, lovable characters like Belle of Beauty and the Beast, Cinderalla, Snow White, Tinkerbelle and a countless amount of other characters that I looked nothing like. These characters were all over television and graced various products in stores. 
Although I still love those classic characters to this very day, there was a phase that I went through as a child where I felt ashamed of my appearance, thanks to the various media that was always presented to me. I do not want my daughter to end up with the same identity issues that I did as a child.  I want her to feel free to be herself inside and out.  
I first resorted to only buying her books that contained non-human characters, but thanks to family members, she would still received books with human characters that she did not relate to.  Rather than having her throw those books away, I taught her how to alter the lines into something that she could relate to. 
I then realized that there should already be a coloring book with a character that she did not have to alter.  So to combat this issue, I created a puffy-haired character named "Miss Zee."  Miss Zee represents my daughter and all the other little girls who are often left out. 
After I finished the first two pages of my daughter's custom coloring book, I shared the files on the internet free of charge and received an overwhelming amount of positive responses and a request for a line of coloring books that could be purchased. 
Like me, they all shared the same frustration with not having coloring books geared towards little girls of color.  This reinforced the fact that simple media like this is greatly desired. 
Your pledge will help supply this demand.  It is my hopes to have these coloring books distributed all over the world.  Please choose the amount that you would like to pledge by clicking on an amount on the right side of the screen.  
Thank you!"

Watch the video: