Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Diva Spotlight: Ciara



Tell us a little about yourself & your daughter:

Ciara is 7 years old and has beautiful, thick 4B hair

What is your daughter's hair care routine?

I wash and style her hair every weekend unless I do really small cornrows that can last two weeks. She always wears her scarf before bed.

What kind of products do you use on her hair?

I've pretty much given up on most all natural products because they can be very expensive and usually don't produce the results I'm looking for, so I tend to use mostly drugstore/bss products.

These are the products I'm currently using:

  • Shampoo: Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo
  • Conditioner: Cheapie conditioners like Suave Tropical Coconut or Herbal Essences Totally Twisted
  • Leave-in/detangler: Hawaiian Silky 14 n 1
  • Moisturizer: BB Oil Moisturizer
  • Gel for braids and ponytails: Jamaican Mango and Lime Locking gel

The only natural product I use on her hair is Jane Carter Solution Nourish and Shine - this product is a great alternative to traditional greases. I use it to grease her scalp and moisturize her ends throughout the week. Just like the name says, it really does nourish and give the hair a brilliant shine. It's expensive ($18.99 for 4 oz), but so worth it!!

Have you ever used chemicals on her hair?

I haven't, but I thought about it in the past. I was having trouble managing her hair, but through online resources I learned that it wasn't that her hair was unmanageable, I just didn't know what I was doing :) Now I manage her hair like a pro...no chemicals necessary!!!

Can we see a few of your favorite styles?









How did you learn to do all of this?

I started braiding Ciara's hair when she was 6 months old. I don't have any pics, but they were a hot mess back then! lol I kept practicing and eventually got better.

How does your daughter feel about her hair? Can we see her favorite style?

We went through a difficult period where she didn't really love her hair like she should. She wanted it to be long and straight like the other girls at her school (she is one of very few blacks at her school). I've had to constantly reassure her that her hair is beautiful and unique and that God did not make a mistake when he gave her this hair. Through this blog, I've learned the importance of accessorizing and it has made a huge difference in how she feels about her hair. Now, she doesn't worry so much about length, she just wants to feel girly and pretty.

If you had to share one hair care tip, what would it be?

Don't be afraid to be a little heavy-handed with your products if your child has hair that tends to be dry. I've found that most products absorb quickly and leave the hair very shiny and soft.


Ciara is a gorgeous little girl with a head full of gorgeous hair! Mommy LaToya has blown me away with her styling skills. I would have thought for sure that the heart style was professionally done. I like that LaToya knows what works best for her daughters hair and keeps her routine simple. Keep up the great work!


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