Thursday, August 4, 2011

White Toddler Wants to be "Brown like Beyonce" via BGLH - Thoughts?

via Black Girl Long Hair

Sigh. Thoughts?


  1. What in da World?!?! Just not sure if spray tanning is ideal for toddler skin. But I have seen far worst when it comes to pageants. And lOVE Beyonce but for me, but a little too much entertainment for a toddler.

  2. I just feel sorry for these girls. The moms are nuts. They are brain washed to be into their looks above all else so it doesn't surprise me she wants to look like something other than who she naturally is.

  3. This is my honest opinion, it was sort of funny and refreshing, in a weird way. I'm so use to brown children, wanting to be lighter and white. So to hear it reverse from a white child, is soft of refreshing. Of course everyone should be happy with the skin God has given them. But it goes to show that no matter what's your race,color, or features, there is always something you wish you could fix or change.

  4. Spray tan at that age though? But anyways, I think her mom needs to teach her to love her "peach" color as well as other colors.

  5. Hmmm.. I feel conflicted. On one hand, it's nice to see love for brown people. Reminds me of the little blond girl in my daughter's preschool who came to class with 50-11 ponytails wanting to have hair like my daughters.

    On the other hand, she needs to love the skin she's in. I am also not sure Bey is a role model for my 3 year old. I mean, she's cool and all but....

  6. wow. honestly, i'm just at shock because her mom is cool with it. i've honestly never seen a white parent who was cool with their kid wanting to be brown. i think spray tanning is ridiculous at that age, but i guess it's better than dangerous tanning bed tanning. her mom might want to try and teach her to love herself first though

  7. I Saw this episode Last night and I loved it because theres a lot of white children out there that are taught to hate brown skin but this mother she lets her daughter admire the dark skin. I was seeing the episode and the little girl had only black baby dolls. And there was also another part where the little girl saw another black little girl and just stop and stared at her and told her she was so cute. I Dont know for some reason I think Its cute that she appreciates a skin color that so many other people hate especially white people.

  8. I personally think its cute for now, little kids change there preferences so often, I just hope that as she gets older she become obsessed with actually tanning and damaging her skin. There are so people who put chemicals in their hair, and some who go as far as trying to bleach their skin, at least she isnt harming herself. My daughter is almost 5 and for the past year has been saying she will only marry a white man and mind you my daughter is mixed but she is brown, not tan, Im not sure where she got that from but thats what she is attracted to, I myself have never dated a white man, we live in a mixed neighborhood, but that is her prefernece right now and I dont make a big deal out of it or tell her thats wrong, she isnt racist but thats what she likes, my neice on the other hand is as white as they come and she claims shes black and it is the funniest thing. My daughter will tell you shes brown or black but still wants to be with a white man. They are children so its harmless in there eyes and Im glad that this little white girl loves a black woman and aspires to be like her as long as she does it in a healthy way. I personally wouldnt give my daughter a spray tan at that age but there are ppl who put relaxers in a 1 yr olds hair who didnt ask for, this little girl isnt being forced she wants it and it isnt harming her. Sorry for the long response :)

  9. I thought this was cute! Now I don't agree with spray tanning children and I think she should love herself the way that she is, but most children want to emulate their favorite celebrities and hers just happens to be "brown." I don't see this as a self hate thing like the hundreds (maybe thousands) of black children who want to be white because of some deep rooted issues.

    I also don't believe in labeling ALL pageant mothers in the same way (someone above said that all these mothers are nuts). Like any other group, you have good and bad, but it isn't fair to lump them all together.

  10. Nice to see the flip side. So, many in our community trying to do the opposite and we are already beautiful. Nice to see us being coveted out loud. :-) We all know it's human nature to think the grass is greener, so I hope this little one grows up secure in the skin color God gave her.

  11. This is sad. If it were a black child who was obsessed with wanting to be whiter, everyone would be having a fit and preaching about teaching the child to love herself. A white child who is obsessed with wanting to be brown is no different. Children need to be taught that they are PERFECT just the way they are, regardless of their skin tone.

  12. Other than the spray tanning, I'm not all that bothered by it, especially because, as others have said, so many brown children want to be white.

  13. what is the mother thinking letting her kid get a spray tan at that age?! Don't get me started on paegants, I'm from UK and just don't get it. Yes my daughter loves to dress up and get her hair done but there is a difference between playing and turning your daughter into your living doll!!!

  14. The issue at hand has absolutely nothing to do with skin color or race. Kids are kids and she's just a baby. The issue is the fact that her mother is feeding into her premature insecurity and desire to look like something she will never be. Instead of taking her to get a spray tan (???), how about embracing her own skin tone and reminding her just how adorable she already is. Not to mention the extra grown attitude... the cutest kids in the world are the ones who know how to act and behave as children.

  15. I saw this show (Yes my daughter and I are addicted). I thought is was adorable. If you saw the show, you would see that it is in her innocence that she covets brown skin. I didn't get the impression that her parents didn't teach her to appreciate her own skin at all. They allowed her to embrace her feelings in regard to brown skin. It's not like they spray tan her every day, just for the pageants. She was actually one of the milder moms and I loved her sweet gentle spirit as well as that of her little girl's. I thought it was very cute and not different from a "brown" child wanting to wear a blond Hannah wig. I DO agree that Beyonce is not the one I would choose to be my brown role model! LOL!

  16. @Elle, I'm really not too worried about this young child's self concept as it relates to coveting brown skin. She has plenty of images everywhere that will reconfirm that her skin color is just fine.

  17. You know what, I am not sure how I feel about this video. I know I am not a fan of the whole spay tan thing but I find it interesting that her mom is open to diversity. This story reminds me of my daughter (who is 3 years old) who has self-image issues as it relates to being Dark-Skin...Don't get me wrong, Be' is very confident & knows she is pretty, but because a family member of mine called her "Black & Ugly", that negative word ugly stuck out to her. She always tell me "Mommy, I am too Dark."...It breaks my heart. Although I think diversity is great, I think this mom needs to pay attention to her baby's obsession. This could later on down the line backfire on her.

  18. I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I was cracking up and the first thing I thought was that she will most likely have a "brown" hubby in the future. She was too adorable, and she didn't seem unhappy to me.


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