Monday, August 15, 2011

Parents Argue About Their Daughter's Natural Hair

via Black Girl Long Hair

A mixed couple on NBC's "The Marriage Ref" argues about whether or not their daughter should wear free hair. Thoughts?


  1. I'm all for free hair, when a child is ready. For example A is ready to wear it out. My 2 year old is not, I let her have it out occasionally, but if I'm not looking she will roll around on the floor tangling it up and filling it with dirt and random junk. Having long healthy thick curls is a responsibility, only when children can share in this responsibility can they really wear it out. From what they showed, this little girl is not mature enough to share in her hair maintenance. No one mentioned who would to detangle her hair if they left it free the way it was. Although she would look great with a braidout or a twistout! That family needs a better hair care routine.

  2. I'm 17, American born with Caribbean parents! I have natural hair and it can be hard but also fun. There is so much advice and YT videos to inspire parents and self hair dressers like myself. However in our "American" society, straight hair is preferred. In the corporate world and the real world. Its sad that parents would argue...

  3. I find this case just horrible! The mother needs to go this site and learn something about hair care because grease and that wad of hair coming out she do not know a thing more than the dad. As for Patty, when you can show me your real hair then maybe you can say something about someone else hair. Black people are their own worst enemy when it come to hair. Hey Nikki help them out and show them what you have learned and master before that woman put a text or relax in that child's hair.

  4. Omg I Cant Believe Patti Labelle was Just Throwing Out That Nappy Word Like Its Something bad. I Am On The Daddys Side 100 Percent. He wants his child to be herself and unique. To be Honest I Think Modeling Agencies Look For Black/mixed Children With Natural Big Hair. If The Mom Knew How to Take care of it probably the dad wouldnt have such a hard time in the morning. SIGH.. I Just wanna Find That lady And Give Her a list of Childrens Natural Hair Care Blogs lol !

  5. I watched that show last night, it was very entertaining. I honestly was more disapproving of Ms. Patti colloquies than the couple.
    But anyway...I honestly have that same argument with my husband and we are both black. He thinks our 3 year old daughter should go to school with her hair loose with a headband because other cultures/ethnicity don't have to "tame" their hair. I agree with the mother, I have to maintain it and I think it is best to be "tamed" than to go about her day picking up everything she touched in her hair.

  6. Patti I love her, but she is old school. She comes from the generation of the perm before people ever embraced their natural hair.

    I think if they used some products and detangled her hair she'd be able to wear her hair loose.

    I also think the mother has a huge issue with natural hair.

  7. I was sad to see this. I think she should be able to wear it out everyday if she wants to. But my babies wear their hair out 90% of the time. I think they both could stand learn some tips on general hair care and what products are good for the health of the hair.

  8. I thought it was so cute and funny. My husband and I are interracial and have two daughters. The oldest have more his hair type and the youngest have mine. I noticed the mom has relaxed hair which means she probably share the same view as Patti, that her daughter has nappy hair. I think the mother should check out websites like these and decide to go natural herself. I am still in transitioning mode with my hair and hate that my mother relaxed my hair as a child. Although my yongest her is closer to mine, it still is straight at the roots grrrr lol.

  9. I agree whole-heartedly w/ Nitalee above...and with all the negativity surrounding the girl's African- American heritage, the result could easily be ignorance and a poor self image. The dad is on the right track, but needs to direct all of this attention to love and acceptance, the true root of the matter.

  10. I was upset to hear people vocalize just because the dad was white he didn't have to know how to do his daughter's hair or that it would be almost expected he shouldn't know (even five years into being a father to a girl). I think this blog goes to show that in todays society there is no excuse for not being educated about YOUR child, just because you are a bald man doesn't mean you dont need to raise and guide your daughter through life. I think the mom didn't vocalize it clearly enough, but when no one is keeping up on her hair it is causing more physical pain to keep clean and to comb. Plus, the mom didn't sign up to be a single parent in any venue just because she married a white man.

  11. "crazy, wild, that stuff, nappy, needs to be tamed, hot mess, bird's nest" were thrown around way too much in this SMH That poor girl. its sad when the husband suggests the mom going natural and she says "you think I want to look like that? Are you kidding me?" But if her dad wants her to wear it out, he should learn how to do it properly and teach the mother how to as well. I don't think any of them mean to be offensive, its just a matter of lack of education (on the subject). I bet they are getting a lot of mail after this, so hopefully they learn soon. Anyone have their email address, I'll tell them myself. lol

  12. I agree with one of the other posters, the child could wear her hair down if it was detangled properly. I think they over exagerrated the her hairstyle for tv. I thought she looked cute. And mother should maybe go natural (maybe her hair would grow past her ears) smh


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