Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cornrows & Pigtails

Another gorgeous style from our guest blogger Aisha and her beautiful daughter Anisa!

I cowashed Anisa's hair with Suave Almond and Shea Butter Moisturizing Conditioner the night before I did this style. I moisturized with Bee Mine Deja's Hair Milk and banded her hair in several sections.

I used unrefined shea butter while braiding her hair. In this picture I used ouchless bands to hold the finished sections together until I was completely done.

Her ponytails are secured with an ouchless band.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in a comment.


  1. so cute! I have a question though, those braids look tight. Do they hurt her?

  2. @Leslie, I know I did not style her hair, and I'm sure Aisha will chime in, but from what I see, they do not look tight at all. In fact, they look a little loose. I think cornrows just tend to look tight. If you look at the third picture, or the very last picture posted, you can even see how loose they are at the beginning of the cornrow, kind of coming off of the scalp, especially near the ear. From what I see, it looks like she did a good job making them look nice a neat but not tight. Reminds me of what my cornrows usually look like. :)

    -Nikki of Beads, Braids & Beyond

  3. I agree, those braids are far from tight.


  4. Cute style :)
    Thanks for the comment, sorry this is a little late I have been offline switching IT providers and I am expanding my business so things have been crazy. Just wanted you to know I wasn't ignoring :)


  5. This is so cute! Love the braided design!


  6. Thanks!!
    @ Leslie - Her braids weren't tight at all. Actually she has never complained about her braids being tight. I know that braiding tightly causes damage and I definitely don't want that! Thanks for your concern though.

  7. Aisha, you did a great job. It's simply gorgeous, just like Anisa.

  8. I don't want to start an unnecessary debate here, as I love all the hairstyles and resources. I hope diverse opinions are welcomed...

    I have to agree with Leslie, in that the cornrows LOOK tight and like there's alot of tension in the hair. That was my first thought when I saw these pictures.

    I'm sure Aisha knows best and that the cornrows aren't tight, but they do LOOK tight.

    At any rate, beautiful work.

  9. Anonymous said... Diverse opinions are always welcomed as long as everyone is being respectful. :)

    As previously stated, I think cornrows always tend to look tight. I would think anyone who has been cornrowing for some time can clearly see how loose these are. Tight cornrows do not come up off of the scalp.

    Nikki of Beads, Braids & Beyond - Not sure why Blogger is making me comment as Anonymous!

  10. I really like these braids. Very innovative styles. I guess the braids appear tight, but they look very good.

  11. Great braids as always! Btw I love Anisa's shirt...it kinda looks African =)

  12. Wow, I love this style. I'm going to try this on my daughter's hair. How long did this style take to complete?



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