Sunday, September 26, 2010

Winners of I LOVE My Cotton Candy Hair!

I LOVE My Cotton Candy Hair

Now is one of those times where I so wish everyone could win. I enjoyed reading each and every one of your comments, they were very touching. Thanks so much to those of you who took the time to enter the giveaway and another big thanks to Nicole Updegraff for this wonderful giveaway!

The winners are...

who said...

who said...

who said...

Congrats to all three of you! Please email me your mailing address along with your childs first name by October 1st.

For those of you who missed the I LOVE My Cotton Candy Hair book review please check it out here.

You can purchase I LOVE My Cotton Candy Hair from Amazon.


  1. Yay! I told T that we won this book and she started jumping, clapping and squealing for joy! This will be a nice addition to our growing collection of diverse books. Thank you to Nik and A, and a big thank you to the author Nicole Updegraff for sharing such a great book with us.

  2. Congratulations to u all...I hope this book will make a difference for ur kids so they can enjoy their hair and inner self more!!

  3. Congrats to all the ladies. I have this book and we really enjoy it - wonderful read.
    I've been following the site on facebook but now happy I found the blog.

    Aisha from Cosmopolitan Kids


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