Saturday, July 17, 2010

3-Year-Old Getting Sew-in Weave

I just saw this posted on Knaps Girl and had to post. The video shows a little girl getting a sew-in weave for a pageant on Toddlers & Tiaras.

Click here for the video.



  1. I'm definitely not ok with this. This is another thing that I've seen that convince young people that their hair isn't beautiful enough. Even though I'm only a junior in college, things like this - things that either openly or subliminally tell people they aren't beautiful - just really bother me, and I'm sad this mother is virtually telling her daughter that her natural hair isn't beautiful.

    Sorry for the outburst lol, it's just something that really gets to me.

  2. That breaks my heart.. She's a baby, not a model. If you absolutely needed to, use hair clip-ons. ....But sewing in a weave?!? It's completely ridiculous. There are SO many different ways to style her hair, a weave is NOT necessary.

  3. This is ridiculous! Like Natalie said, tthis is a CHILD not a model or doll! If her mother would give her real hair as much attention as that weave, she'd have a head full of healthy hair. By the looks of it, she seems to have a relaxer as well. I actually wrote a blog post on this yesterday at It about those new weaves and wigs for babies. When will the madness ends.

  4. My god, she wants to make her child bald, have u seen Naomi Campbell lately? Sorry must this is making me mad just reading about it. vanity is terrible, caring for yourself and being confident is something that comes from within, i hope the mother sees tis blogs and hangs her head in shame!!

  5. My thoughts...

    When I saw this was on Toddlers in Tiaras I was not surprised. All of the little girls seem to wear some kind of fake hair on there. I can't even watch the show because it's so ridiculous. It is sad though. It's especially sad to see how each little girl just lights up once they have 10 pounds of makeup on and fake hair. *sigh* Boo to Toddlers in Tiaras.

  6. That's very common for Pagents... Black, white, hispanic... everyone adds hair to their babies heads... Nothing that they do at glitz pagents are good for the girls hair... they use so much hair spray and gel and moose.... they get the girls hair colored and highlighted... i'm suprised that they didn't perm that baby's hair... alot of the black kids in pagents have their hair permed

  7. Add: Can you tell I don't watch this show often?! lol. Toddlers in Tiaras, Toddlers & Tiaras...whatever the show is called.

  8. OMG WHYYYYYYYYYYY? She was so adorable and cute the way she was naturally...
    It's very sad. And can somebody tell me why a 3yr old has to wear make up??? tzz tzz tzz just sad

  9. She's a beautiful little girl whose grandmother clearly loves her. I kind of wonder where - and how old - her mother is, because Grandma doesn't look a day over 40.

    Concerning the weave, and pageants, and teaching little girls that their worth lies in their looks? NO. It is so far beyond rearing our daughters to groom and present themselves properly that I scarcely know where to begin.

  10. OMG. I felt like my head was hurting. Mom made lots of mistakes . #1 by sewing hair in a "BABIES" head. She did not wash the babies hair. She did not cut the rubberbands off, she did not use any moisture, she did not detangle the proper way, the list goes on. These are some of the reasons that poor baby said ouch so many times. I don't agree with weave on children until they are in highschool and that's still pushing it to me.

    Why do so many people believe you must have long and straight hair too be pretty and enter pageants? That little girl beliefs of beautiful is already screwed up...thanks to mommy. Shes a pretty baby no matter what. Yes, I would love to havwe my boys become lil models for print ads but thats not my choice...I also know what they will do to their hair which is not cool. Theres so much that can be said but It's not going to matter because this is not the first mother to do this and this will not be the last one.

  11. I agree, I'm shocked baby girl doesn't have a perm but if mom did give her one she would be bald in a year because mommy really has no clue how to manage natural hair.

  12. I've seen the show and I cant believe some of the moms. I had to stop watching after a mom took her daughter to get a professional spray on tan and had them spray her face and then the next day when the tan got darker the little girl looked a HOT mess and then on top of that she had pounds of make-up on! that poor girl looked scary with her over tanned/clown make up look, I felt so sorry for the little girl that was completely oblivious to her frightening look.

  13. I don't normally watch these type of shows but I watched this with my niece. It broke both of our hearts. That adorable little girl didn't need anything extra, she was too cute already. My niece kept saying "she is a baby" and she was right on. It's a terrible message to send a little baby too.

    After that show my niece and I talked about what true beauty is. I hope one day when my own daughter is older, we can have the same talk.

    Like dimples said, she didn't even take proper care of her hair at all. Terrible!

  14. Dimples said "Mom made lots of mistakes"

    YES! I noticed that, too. The first time that poor baby said 'ow!' I thought 'where is her Juicy Spritz?' Just goes to show you how much I have learned in the short time I've been following BBB. :)

  15. I actually watched that show but must have missed that part. SAD!

  16. wow.. this story is ridiculous..
    so many of these pageant mums are ruining their childrens childhood..
    we as parents are supposed to be sending positive messages to our children about self love and identity..
    this is heartbreaking.

  17. I don't like this show and I never watch. Too much ridiculous shows teaching youth how to change for the world to except them. So stupid they should cancel it.

  18. Although I don't agree with putting a weave in a baby's head, I think her grandma was doing what the other mothers int he pageants do. They put fake hair fake tans, make-up, eyelashes, and all other types of things on the kids to make them like "pretty." In this little girl's case it wasn't different than what the other little girls in the pageant do. If anything, I more have a problem with the pageant thing as a whole for little girls like this.

  19. I think for the most part, these pageant mom's use their kids, to make up for something that they're lacking themselves. They are living their lives through these little girls. These pageants speak volumes of the type of society we live in.Very superficial! I don't think it's normal for three year olds to look like little women. It's crazy that as a society we accept this.

  20. I think it's outrageous to put weave on a three year old. The grandmother should have taken the time and created a beautiful hairstyle with the girl's own natural hair. She could have came to this blog for ideas.

    I've never watched Toddlers and Tiaras. I have never been crazy about those child beauty pageants anyway. They have the girls in too much makeup, too much fake hair, and wearing clothes that are too grownup looking for them. It's something about those pageants that just don't sit right with me.

  21. Smh this is just crazy. And the grandmother didn't look like she knew how to do much with the hair either. I didn't see any moisturizer or anything.

    She will probably have a perm by 4 or 5 (i've had a neice who had one at 1 1/2). Lack of hair education is passed down in generations until someone finds the right info to help (i.e. this site).

  22. it sickens me. my daughter does pageants (natural hair, no make up, no fake anything, all her beautiful little self) and it is not necessary for the sew in, or any fake hair for that matter. and the way that mom combed that poor baby hair made me so upset.

  23. I don't watch the show at all. When I saw this I was shaking my head and trying to change the TV before I threw up!

  24. We don't get this show over here in the UK, but by looking at the pictures I'm truly shocked? Why would anyone do that to that little girls hair. Shocking.

  25. To watch that clip puts thoughts that our girls must have straight hair to be pretty. I thought it was funny when recently my daughter took part in an "all natural beauty pageant," before going to the event we were discussing various options for hairstyles and she kept saying she wanted it straight. I rarely put heat on her hair and I dont own a flat iron so I was trying to persuade her otherwise. Funny thing is I didn't have to the day of Orinitation she saw alot of the other girls with their hair up in rollers trying to acheive what she was given naturally. Long story short she wore her hair natural for the whole pageant. I hope that I can continue her on this road and that she never feels like she has to have straight(ened) hair to be pretty.

  26. Okay, clearly she's in pain... and yet she continues. I remember another one of the moms telling her daughter pain was beauty... my jaw literally dropped. I don't know, I guess it's just what's considered somewhat of the 'norm' for pageantry. But honestly, regardless, I think it's really disturbing and unnecessary for all of the girls (no exception to race or age). And Kayleigh is already beautiful without all of that. It really brakes my heart seeing such young girls having those kind of issues with their natural self.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I dont believe any 3 year old should have any weave at all...What in the foolishness! There are so many different styles that she could have done with her natural hair. I cant even comment anymore...tisk tisk its a shame.

  29. @marieanne; Kayleigh does have a mommy. She is a single mom. Her grandma or 'g-mama' as they call her in the show loves both girls very much. Her daughter supports Kayleigh. 'g-mama' does kayleighs hair and makeup before the pageants. I am not saying that this is right or wrong. But, people do what they feel is right for their children. Yes, Kayleigh looks beautiful with her natural hair, but she also looked beautiful with the weave. I dunno. Maybe I see things differently as a 16 year old mormon american girl.

  30. I had to stop watching the show because it just too disturbing to watch all those little girls with caked on make-up, wigs/weaves, and strut their stuff for pedophiles to watch & enjoy. Its very disturbing.

  31. @meghan, thanks for satisfying my curiosity. The love her grandmother has for Kayleigh is abundantly clear, and I'm pleased to hear Kayleigh's mother is very much in the picture.

  32. this is absolutely INSANE!!!! If you (her mom) can take all that time to do this, you (her mom) could put a little more time into taking care of this little girls hair...RIDICULOUS!!!!

  33. i beg to differ i myself put a sew-in in my 3yr old daughters hair, she is already hands down beautiful,it was the look i was going for also i wanted her to have curls but didnt want to put heat nor any chemicals in her hair. So i simply braided her natural hair and moisturized it very well that way it wouldnt dry out and break off and still grow


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