Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Minnie Mouse Style

Repost from 2009


Minnie Mouse was an obvious inspiration for this style. This is one of the easiest styles you can do. Simple yet oh so different and cute!

  • As always, start with well (properly) detangled, well moisturized hair.
  • Put the hair in a ponytail using an ouchless ponytail holder and your product of choice for smoothing the hair down (a little ORS Lock & Twist Gel worked for us.). Try placing the ponytail on the top of the head.
  • Once you have your ponytail in place, split it in half and "fold" each side under going towards the middle of the ponytail. You will now bobbypin each section.
  • Add a cute bow and you're done! I used a bow I got from Walmart (it actually came in a pack of 3) Happy Styling!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love it. Just the right size. The bow makes it even better.

  3. i AM TRY THIS Style tomorrow.. its soo cute and simple... were do they sell that jell you talking about?

  4. This is too cute. The puffs really do look like minnie mouse ears

  5. How cute. I agree, it really looks like Minnie's ears.

  6. disney thanks you for this cute style. it's also great for dress up.

  7. I love this style!

  8. I remember this post from last year and I am so glad you reposted it. Just adorable!

  9. So adorable and so simple!=]
    im glad you re posted this

  10. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this one will deffinatley be adding to the to do list

  11. I LOVE this style. So clever!! I hope I remember it when DD's hair is long enough.

  12. i love the minnie mouse style great idea... **nella**


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