Saturday, May 26, 2012

Flat Twists into Side Ponytail

click to enlarge

Just a quick 'do. Two strand flat twists going into side ponytail.

School is out in about a week so expect many more updates to come. :-)


  1. You missed the "l" in "ponytail" :)

  2. This is really cute. My girls have really thick jair and I just cant get cornrowing down. I think i will be better off woth the two strand twist. Thanks for sharing:)

  3. OMG this is amazing! I should try this on my niece. :]

  4. I love this! Really cute and the flower is nice too.

  5. What product did you use to lay her hair down so smooth?

  6. This is too cute! I will be copying this one.


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