Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Kinky Curly Available at Select Target Stores

You probably remember me posting Kinky Curly was coming soon to Target. Well, Kinky Curly is now available at select Target stores.

Click here to see the list.

Does your Target carry it?


  1. OMG! There is only 1 target store that sells it out here and its all the way on the other side of town lol figures!! Thanks for letting us know! I love target they are the best lol

  2. YAY!! My Target is on the list!

  3. Yay! My target is on the list!!! Not sure if I will use it on my hair though....I read a review about hair types and apparently it makes my type feel a little crunchy after drying. Since my daughter's hair is completely different from mine, I may be able to use it on her hair.

  4. How cool is that?? Ours is on the list! I am so surprised since we just don't have much here.

  5. No, but our local Whole Foods carries it! Yay!

  6. Yes! I found that the Target closest to me does not (yet) carry it, but one that is about 10 minutes farther away does! Thanks for the link, this is good to know!

  7. YESSS!!!!! Its in my Target!! Right now my daughter is doing AWESOME with HEHH, Shea Moisture Mask, Hot six Oil, and Eco Styler Gel, as do I, BUT i've been LONGING to try Kinky Curly...will be in Target TOMORROW! lol

  8. They carry it 8 miles my job. I guess I can pick it up on my lunch break

  9. Not in my city but in my state. The city it's in is a two hour drive and with gas prices not being $1.05, I'll have to order online. Thanks Nikki.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Yeessss! It is on!! It's at all 7 of the Targets I love the most (there's a target about every 10-15 minutes apart here).

  12. Yes! But I've never tried these products. Can anyone recommend something??

  13. My Target does!!
    @Aisha: I've heard that Knot Today is absolutely amazing!! I haven't yet given it a try though.

    Will be off to Target to tomorrow to "browse" :)

  14. stocking it in Target is deffinatley a step in the right direction....

  15. Thanks Angela W. I'll try it on myself first!

  16. Yay its stocked in a local target. I may give it try on myself soon. I'm due for a new product line anyway. Thanks for the info

  17. the closest target in my area is about 30 minutes away, but I will def make the drive for their product!

  18. Not a single on in the OC! A Whole Foods is opening nearby though so that's ok.

  19. Nope! Not at any Targets near here, but at Whole Foods, which is thankfully close to my job. I'll be making a trip there soon to try that and some other things.

  20. No mine doesn't which doesn't surprise me! But there is a Whole Foods near work that does carry it.

  21. Yay, texas offers a lot of locations near me...Kinky Curly here I come!

  22. boy, that was fast. my target is on the list. i'll check, but it took a few weeks for the other curly products to show up.

  23. UGHHHH!! I live in Montgomery, AL and we just dont have a great target group for natural hair care. I would have to travel to Mobile, or Birmingham. I was just told a week or so ago that our Target will cut Miss Jessie from their stores soon because they are not selling as much as they would like. *sighing* oh well,I guess a traveling I will go! lol

  24. So, I live in Milwaukee and I went to Target yesterday just to see if the product was on the shelves ...Unfortunately, not yet,but the stock clerk did tell me that it may take a few weeks. She said that even though products like Miss Jessie's were being advertised for the store they still hadn't received the products until a while after...I'll keep checking in.

  25. I love the target stores and I always use Target Promo Codes and get saved money. thanks target to care for us.


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