Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hair without Product

Repost from late 2009

Otherwise known as "naked hair". I took these pictures to show you what A's hair looks like without product. This is after being detangled with water and a wet tooth comb, and left to air dry. She actually had a little more curl definition than usual because her hair was previously in a 3 strand twist out.

The picture above is one of my favs!



  1. Whoa, that's a ton of gorgeous hair! Pretty curls without product. Love the flower. How do you get it to stay? A bobby pin? A clip?

    I sometimes allow my daughters to wear very little product in their hair and then wear it loose, but only for a few hours and not if we're going to do any exercise or when they go to school (unless it's picture day and they bring a ponytail holder to use after the picture is taken ,lol). Never naked because their curls would matt and tangle at the root as it skrinks with airdrying, which are the worse tangles and matts you can get, lol. By very little product I mean just 100% Aloe Vera Gel either fresh from the plant or from Whole Foods. They get a ton of curl definition with just plain aloe vera gel and some hold (but it makes their hair too soft after some hours, so I rarely leave the hair loose). But, by the end of the day they can get massive tangles on the end of their hair because their hair comes down to their bottoms. Does you daughter get much tangling when you let her wear her hair loose and 'naked' like in this picture?

  2. Wow!She has a ton of hair. It is so beautiful.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i'm revisiting naked hair. something is not agreeing with my hair as of late. what's interesting to me is just how much her hair has grown in such a short period of time. kid hair must be on its own timetable. i can see that's the case with my girls' hair.

  5. Can I say major shrinkage? Beautiful hair :)

  6. wow! she looks adorable, that's so cool how much curl definition she still has. Your daughter is beautiful


  8. Beautiful. Very thick and healthy.

  9. Love the flower. NATURAL BEAUTY!!

  10. So beautiful and the flower just adds that extra cuteness to it

  11. Wow! So cute and beautiful hair. I think A is like my hair Mini-Me!! I'll have to find a pic and share it with you sometime!

  12. i love the look of no product hair - totally gorgeous oxoxoxox

  13. She has beautiful hair! Sometimes the best styles are the ones with shrinkage and no product!


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