Tuesday, April 13, 2010

1 Month Protective Styling Challenge Sign-up's!

Mommies, I think it's time we give our children's hair a break. As much as we all may love the beads, barrettes, and rubberband/elastic styles, sometimes, in the end "less is more" for healthy hair. This will be good for our children's hair and this will be a nice break for mommy. After all, Mother's Day is right around the corner. ;)
I will be posting more details, along with the challengers on May 1st. This challenge will run May 1st-May 29th
This challenge is different from our first Style Challenge. There is not a specific style you need to recreate, however, there are rules.

  • Must do one of the following protective styles: Twists (two strand, threestrand, sister twists), Braids, or Cornrows *Please make sure the style is not tight!
  • Absolutely no heat
  • No beads, barrettes, or snaps. *Headbands & bows are fine.
  • Absolutely no rubberbands/elastics
  • Must do our weekly check-in's and include a picture of the style each week (whether it's still the same style or not) Check-in's are May 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th
Please fill out the questions below. (Name, Age, & Plan of action) Email them to me by April 29th, 2010. The sooner, the better. Submit 1 picture of each child. (This will only be an introduction photo, not the style photo) Subject: Protective Styling Challnge

Plan of action:(I will be breaking this down into a bullet list. This should include your protective style(s) of choice for the month of May along with your plan. Of course this does not have to be your exact plan. If you change a few things we will discuss that in our weekly check-ins!)

Example: My plan of action. (remember- this is just an example, you do NOT need all of these steps, it's totally up to you)
  • Wash and deep condition hair with (product of choice) 3 days before challenge.
  • Moisturize the hair with (product of choice) right after washing
  • Band hair immediately after moisturizing. Leave banded for 2 days.
  • Protective style of choice: Two strand twists. Leave in for 2 weeks.
  • Use (product of choice) to set two strand twists
  • Spray hair 1x per day with (product of choice)
  • Wash hair 1x per week with two strand twists in
I think you all get the idea. If not, feel free to ask any questions. I am definitely looking forward to this challenge.

Please feel free to be creative with your protective styling choices. Happy styling mama's! Hope to see you there!


  1. Starting mine now!! Soooo excited!!

  2. I will take the challenge and will post it on my blog. http://mylittlerascals-letty.blogspot.com/

  3. Great Idea! Laila is doing swimming right now, and this would be perfect for her.

  4. I'm down. I just started this this week too. He's in braids..which he does not get that often. They aren't small and I hope to get two weeks. Now sometimes I can't get the best shot of his hair because he hates for me to be all in his head taking pictures but I'll try my best.

    Great challenge..(=^-^=)

  5. I was just looking at my daughters hair and thinking that she needs a style break. I think this challenge will be just what she needs to get her hair back to it's healthy state!

  6. I kinda started this when I finally went natural last month. Decided to give my dd's hair a break and keep it simple. We'll miss the beads but we can do it. :)

  7. We will definitely be participating!!

  8. I would love to participate in this challenge. My daughters both need to rest their hair.


  9. Would love to participate. I emailed you...

  10. I'm in!! I'll e-mail my action plan soon. I've been kind of lazy with my daughters hair lately..just shampooing & conditioning, slapping some moisturizer & Coconut oil in & doing puffs. While their hair is not suffering, it could use a little TLC

  11. It's a good idea. I would like to participate, but we'll go to vacation at May 21st for 2 weeks.

  12. I think I will try this however, my girls dance recital is mid-month and their hair needs to be in a ballerina bun for that night. In the past I have always flt-ironed their hair to get that look however I am going to do some research to see if I an achieve it with gel and anything else. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

  13. Carolyn have you seen the cinna bun look. Google it. I think it is a cute look for the ballerina bun and does not require flat ironing. You just put the hair in an afro puff and do twists to form a bun.

  14. what do you mean by, "band hair for two days"? -to put in rubber bands?? Is this with moisturizer still in? Please give me an example and possible picture.


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