Monday, February 1, 2010

Banded Heart



I got this style from The Story of a Princess & her Hair, pretty cool to see it on two totally different textures, huh?

The style is really simple, but if your child has thick hair like A, then it may be a bit of a challenge.

A's hair was wet/damp in these pictures. The rubberbands were soaked in melted coconut oil.

After I took the above pictures I decided to put the back up into pigtails. I just crossed the right section and tied it off into the left pigtail, and tied the left section off into the right pigtail.

My parts are never straight, lol. :)


The cute korkers above are from Little Lady & Me: A lot of style for your little lady!


  1. Your styles are always great! How old was your daughter when you started putting beads on her ends? My daughter is 2 and think it would give her a different look, but I'm a little nervous.

  2. Oh, such a cute way to do a heart style! Thanks for sharing that!

  3. if you can do this, you can do anything with hair. well done.

  4. Darling! It IS really fun to see different hairstyles with different textures of hair. I love how you mixed up the colored elastics as well. So cute.

  5. Love it. The colors are too helps the style stand out more.

  6. I love this, its so pretty! Im new to your page and i just wanted to say that my 7 year old daughter's hair is just like A's but i really struggle with what products to use on her hair. I straighten her hair about 3 times a year but i love it curly too and i decided that im not straightening again.

  7. I really love the hair bows! And sigh... I want to try this, but I am sooooooo lazy when it comes to rubberbands :(

  8. this is really cute, keep up the good work!


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